The country is a place that has no skyscrapers. It barely has any buildings at all, and most of those are filled with livestock, harvested produce, or equipment - rusty, bone-like things with dulled teeth and a nameless smear.
The country is eerie. In it, men have less teeth, and women are interchangeable with tree-stumps. Country-folk, or as they are known to themselves, "us of the patch", have totally different traditions and methods than city dwellers. Unlike you or I or anyone clean, country folk live off the land. They pay homage to the dirt that controls their lives. Sometimes they make out with it.
Country dwellers emerged from rocks about 50,000 years ago. They have gone through a lot. They have been: cave men, neolithic farmers, slaves of the Pharaoh, free yeoman, serfs, peasants, kulaks, industrial farmers, smarmy grandsons of industrial farmers, and smarmy great-grandsons of industrial farmers who decide to buy an organic farm on the side.
Why do city dwellers need to know about the country at all? Unfortunately, the country is where food is made. This is a huge disadvantage for all of us, because it means the food we get is usually pretty dirty and needs to be washed. Or at least rubbed. If you've ever been to a Farmer's Market, you will notice boxes of dirty tubers and leaves. These are actually what vegetables look like when they come from the country. It takes a lot of spa treatment to get them fit for the grocery store or processed ramen soup mix.
In the country it is illegal to smart-mouth a scarecrow.
If your car breaks down in the country, I'm sure someone will be along shortly. Wasn't there a gas station a few miles back? Oh great. It's raining. Just fucking great. This is totally worth seeing your crazy family for.
Music in the country is known as "country", "bluegrass", "folk" or "hoot'en'tootenany". Music plays a large part in country life, because they have a lot to get out of their system. Country music can consist of ancient ballads or tunes that have been passed down from generation to generation, or, alternatively, cheap knock-offs of top 40 hits. The common thread is that all country music must be played on a raggedy string-bereft fiddle, spoons, jugs, washboards, tractor parts, or bags of teeth.
All country music must be run passed Satan before it is allowed to be played in the country.
Here is a list of famous country songs:
- Rock
- Stick
- Beethoven's 6th Symphony "The Pastoral"
- Tube
- The hucky munkin grammophone blues
- Cigarette butt
- Diesel
I bet you didn't realize some of your favourite bangers were actually long-treasured yokel bonfire tunes.
The country...Whispers. The country...Secrets. The country...The old, homey, bonified...The...
Thank you for tolerating the Guide to City Life # 11111 - "The Country". We won't have to deal with it for long, but until we can get the Great Concrete Age fully rolled-out, we'll have to at least try. Please hold your breath until the release of our next module, #4 - "World Cheeses, Local Cheeses, Warlords".
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