Sunday, March 25, 2012

Night and Horses and Deserts and Camels and Scorpions and Dates and Palm Trees and a Jackal and Some Bugs

The Arabs have always been a people in love with poetry. Before the coming of Islam, in the period known as the Jahaliyya or “the time of the braying jackasses”, it is said that when a poet emerged in a tribe, all of its members would celebrate, howl, dance, drink, beat themselves with joy and dash their heads against volcanic rocks in the desert. Other tribes would send gifts of seasoned sand-lizard, and the sheikhs of the tribe would collectively toss all the eldest women into the air for hours on end while the children pelted them with gobs of fermented goat's cheese. For with the poet, and him alone, came to rest the made-up reputation and history of the tribe.

This love of poetic eloquence lasted well into the hey-day of the Islamic period. It is late in the caliphate of the Badassids, however, that the most beloved of all the Arab poets was born: Abu-Banal of Nablus. There is not an Arab alive who, despite how pragmatic, ignorant, mean, malaodorous, penny-pinching, or xenophobic he may be, will not quote, amidst a flood of tears and sobs, the opening lines of his “Ode to Adidaz”:

My Adidaz, walk with me through the halls and the song tents,
Funky fresh, no string binds your hair...

Abu-Banal was not without controversy in his own day, however. The life of a court panegyrist was always a perilous one, and yet for him the danger was quadrupled by his penchant for back-handed insults to his own patrons. Take for instance this line from his “Ode on the Victory of Keftah Al-Shukran, Governor of Egypt, Against the Greek Mongrels”:

All men say you are weak and doddering eunuch, that your cheeks
Are flecked with the spittle of lapdogs, and you know not the sword.
Were these Greeks not then defeated by a sissy? A brave man’s sword cuts but once
A sissy’s gash will cut you for the rest of days....

Note that although the convention was to address the patron as a lover with the masculine pronoun, Abu-Banal addresses Keftah in the feminine. He left his court shortly thereafter, pursued by a pack of hunting dogs and scimitars.

It is not only the patrons which caused Abu-Banal trouble. He was also an unstinting racist, a fairly decent misogynist, and a tribalist, who believed only in the traditional Bedouin virtues of bravery, eloquence, and stabbing. It was said that the Persian poet Va’ari Rumi In’Heer struck Abu-Banal in the face with his key at court after Abu-Banal recited him the following verse:

But what are Persian rugs good for in the desert?
Collecting sand, and beating them out never learns them.
Give me a hide of Camel hair
And I will smother Khorosani perfumes
With the true stench of the Bedu.

Unfortunately it is very difficult to translate the full effect of this verse. Indeed, much of Arabic poetry is more resistant than usual to translation of any sort; whereas even Chinese poems can be made into something pleasurable, if not quite accurate, Arabian penchants for allusion, obscure desert vocabulary, and quadruple inverted sentence puns make all attempts to Anglicize the stuff futile from the outset; consider the term ha’bool, which means exactly a desert antelope whose left leg is speckled in the shape of falcon droppings.

Yet such was the high eloquence needed to please the fierce courts of the Badassids. It was not uncommon for a city-born poet such as Abu-Banal to spend some few years of apprenticeship with his nomadic cousins; there he picked up the untainted accents and vocabulary of high poetry that only a race of sand-creviced brigands could come-up with; he also picked up a handy technique for keeping scorpions in his dishdash that would prove to more than once save himself from certain comfort.

Yet who could have suspected that the bravado of Abu-Banal’s war verses would be his undoing? Safely stuffing his face with baklaweh in the courts put Abu-Banal in a mood to compose belligerent verses. One could say that these came to bite him in the ha’bool like a misplaced scorpion. As he and several servants were crossing the desert, they were set-upon by an angry gang of bedouins whom Abu Banal had listed unflaterringly among others in his infamous “Ode to the Top Ten Gayest Tribes”.

Setting his camel to “flee” mode, Abu-Banal took off...But was stopped in his tracks by the eloquent appeal of his head servant, who so movingly chanted Banal’s own famous couplet right back to him:

I pity the fool who runs away from sword and spear and stabby things like a little girl
Especially when he’s outnumbered; by Allah such a one is truly a wuss. Seriously.

Considering the awesomeness of his own verses, Abu Banal turned around and charged the attackers, thrusting his sword and spitting scorpions left, right, and center. His last words were supposedly “By the balls of Iblis, that smarts!”

We append as epilogue a famous Qasida of Abu Banal’s, which draws on all the traditional romantico-bestial themes of the Jahili poets:

Wait a minute! Stop. I said stop! Kick the camel-y!
Just hold on a bloody minute. Here friends...
The spot was somewhere here I remember
Where the colocynth was bit, its bitter taste
Now makes me gawp like a weeping ostrich
Plunging its head in Ed-Dakhool’s  yummy sands.
Yes, ‘twas here where dots the twinkling sands
The poops of the lurgy-struck camels
I rode the wing of the scurrying ostrich
And met in the night my starry browed friend.
Ah, how sweet did her plump calves taste;
Her flavourish saliva will I always remember.
Her jaunts are still cruel to remember:
“Dismount, put your feet to the nightblack sands!
Is it only the ghoul’s wind you would taste?
Yet it was you who tickled the backside of my camel.”
Sotfly, softer still, they kill, the jokes of a friend
As a wolf  the cowardly ostrich;
The ride is long, and I am no fleet-flooted ostrich!
Yet this my horse is more like to remember;
He knows the desert ways better than I, my friends,
Or you yourselves, who suckled at the stars and sands.
Speak not of such-and-such a fine camel,
Nor of a bridle fitter to my mount’s taste!
Aches and weariness increase the date’s taste;
But halt again and behold the brother ostriches!
They flee from the lightning; Up rear the camels.
Let us settle between the rocks, for a storm to remember.
The djinn stir the unblinkable sands;
Have I not stirred your hearts, my friends?
I have sung to your taste, I, the ostrich,
My friends, grant me some camels!
Nothing better, on the sands, to remember!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Purple Martin Sanctuary

1)      The purple martin is a gorgeous swallow
a.       Throat singer
b.      Clickish aubade
c.       Off-grey
d.      Wanderlust

2)      Spring comes with it
a.       You can hear the ice cracking the river

3)      Geese I thought were clouds
a.       First cloud
b.      A line
c.       Birds
d.      Honking

4)      Chickadees in the pine tree
a.       Cold enough
b.      Warm enough
c.       Forget human attachment

5)      The lacrimae rerum?
a.       This is an irrelevant category...
b.      On a spring day.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Lieutenant's Rump

What do you children know of Fear?
It was at the Captain's Easel down in Bungoshire Square that I first encountered Lieutenant Cobblestone Williamsby of the 33rd 22nd and 65th Brigades Carry the One. Well called him the Leften't' for short. I had been celebrating my freshly won prize pig blue ribbon for "Best Agricultural Essay" with a couple of the lads. Being schoolchildren, we were only permitted to drink paint thinner, but the Left-tenant, seeing our rosy cheeks and cheerful dispositions, sneaked us all a tot of Arrack and engaged us in conversation.

"Fear" he started, "Hrm hem. What do you children know of fear?" 

I replied that we had been speaking of pigs.

 "I'll tell you lot about fear alright. Left flank. Hrm hem. Battle of Garnishtapoor Grange. The Sun was so bright it was pitch black. I was leading my men over a hillock of the sweetest little flowers you ever did see. We never learned the true name. I came to call them "Bedlam Bettys" in good time. Ah yes. Well now boyos. What do you suppose was waiting for me at the top of the ol' hill, eh?" 

We looked at each other in suspense and giddiness. Fatty Thompson started to whimper. The Left-fennit polished his monocle and glared at us with a darksome eye.

 "What else, me bravos? What else, but the biggest, ugliest, nastiest wasp you ever did see. Oh by'm faith, boy! It was, hrm hem, at least the size of me shoe and no fibs" he started to wipe the sweat from off his brow. We looked at each other, this time in confusion.

What else but the biggest, ugliest, nastiest wasp you ever did see?
"Is that all?" Fatty Thompson asked with a snark in his gib.

"Oh aye, he'd make short work of a little bacon bit like you!" The Left-gannet snapped. "But come, children. Hrm hem. That's not all, no sir. Yes. Where was I? Battle of Wigglesby Tigglesby. Right flank. My men and I were ordered to take a gulley from the hands of the Bosch."

We all moved in closer.

"Cannon to the left of me. Cannon to the right. Hrm hem. Cannon from above, aye, and from below too. I believe t'was all cannon and no grass, that gulley. There grew there the loveliest little flowers, me boyos. I came in time to call them "Simpering Sallys" soon enough, aye. Well me laddies, what do you suppose was waiting for old Cobblestone at the bottom o'that hellish pit, eh?"

We started to bite our nails. "The Bosch! The Bosch!" I heard Knucklebones Jones whisper through his toffee-stained incisors.

The Lephtinnit's eyes narrowed. With a gnarled finger he tapped the table three times before replying "The Bosch? The Bosch were child's play. Oh me lads, what was waiting down there...The slimiest, ugliest, grossest snail you ever laid your tit-sucking eyes on! Why he even latched on to me boot, hrm hem! It was disgusting."

We exhaled in unison and bitterness. Fatty Tompson might have farted.

"Poor show!" Knucklebones said. "What, not even a single fight?"

"Fine bunch you know, rat-tooth! It would've wiggled its way into your pretty little white collar soon enough. Then we'd see how tough Mr. No-Fight is, eh!"

I was starting to doubt in the Leftintin's credentials as a role model. The boys and I were making ready to go play a round of Hoop'o'-the-Loch, when the Lephtrennt lit his old Meerschaum and began again, spellbinding us with his narrative vim.

"Oh aye, hrm hem. Go off then. And never you mind about the dreaded Siege of Tempura. Oh no. Nothing there to interest a pack of young lads, no, nothing but arms and heads flyin' in huge sprays of blood, gunshots and bombs, the screaming war-cry of our dreaded enemy as he mercilessly tore into our ranks with no regard for his own safety..."

We immediately ceased our bustle. Glancing somewhat suspiciously, I spoke for the group.

"Go on then, Sir. But no insects this time!"

And laying hand to heart, "You have my solemn promise. Now then. Ah yes. Tempura it was called, and Tempura it was indeed. The Heaven's quaked and the earth rained. Guns blistered and feet fired, rattatat! rattatat! Hrm. It was me and three of my surviving men. We were surrounded on the beach. There was a sandy dune to the side, and there, aye there we knew was the target. We pushed. I didn't know who was down until the next day. I had made it to the hill in a flurry of a sandstorm of bullets. And as I creeped over the ridge, my god, there it was, waiting like a beast of hell...The grumbliest, frothiest crab, the size of a mountain goat's plop it was! It pinched me right here, right in the schnoz!"

We shouted in triune consternation: "No insects! We said no insects!"

"The crab is no insect! T'is a very crustacean or I'll be a damned crawfish's uncle. And by gods it was awful..."

Later that evening I was discussed the campaigns of the Hlefftnt with my father. Turns out he was the retired gardener up at Rickshaw Manor, and had never been outside of Dingleshire a day in his life. I felt a sudden wave of pleasure and affection for the old fellow's cheek. The next day, when I saw him on the boulevard daintily snacking on a can of worms, I full-stop saluted. The man was a hero, after all.

The crab is no insect!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Decline and Fall of the Bro-man Empire

If you walk far enough from the campus of the University of Rideau, or old "U Read?" as the boys call it, you come to the famed and blamed Fraternity Quarter.These residential outskirts (also known locally as upskirts) house some of the most distinguished Fraternal Societies in the University's History. Gamma Rho Alpha, otherwise known as "Grabba Grabba Grabba", was founded by Sir John A. MacDonald himself. They laid the foundation stone on the very spot he vomited over after a long night of political rumination (accent on the rum). 

Yet this once flourishing house of debauchery and ill-repute has risen steeply into a deep incline. The house famous for the Igor Gouzinsky panty raid of 1945, widely considered responsible for the start of the Cold War, has become a denizen of studious nerds and community-minded do-gooders. "They just sit there all day and study," says Lockjaw Browridge, one of the remaining Alpha rated members. "I never seen one of 'em do even a keg-stand. At best they can beat Mario 3 upside down." 

The Old Guard members, having tried everything from A to A.5 are at their wits end. Speculation as to the cause of the decline is varied. "They're not dorks when they pledge" says Lockjaw, "but somehow, over the weeks, the X-Box and the textbooks crowd out the bongs and porn. It's simply a decline in social mores. Economic conditions and the expense of partying happen to be powerful detergents." Sic. And sick.

 Presently an initiative is underway to re-invigorate the flagging members, starting with a daily regimen of Jager-bombs and viagra sprinkled chicken wings. This will be followed by a walk through the sorority quarter (known locally as the sorority buck-and-a-quarter quarter). "If nothing comes of it, I'm afraid this may be the end." 

Ou sont les high-fivers d'antan? This reporter wonders if the halls of Grabba Grabba will ever ring out with drunken hollers summa cum laude again.