Sunday, July 28, 2013


The Brits appear themselves quite snide
And unrefined as Regicides;
Sleepless was Charles the first alright
In Whitehall on his final night.
Before his window sang the rabble
And he was trundled to the scaffold.

Not much nicer were the French.
In a fiacre they rushed
Lou Capet to the chopping bench;
They gave him no Calèche
As was the due etiquette
For such a Magisterial Head.

But even worse for Antoinette
She only got a wagonette!
In lieu of dame and chamberlain
A sans-cullotte was in her train;
Widow Capet so high and mighty
With that old Hapsburg under-bitey!

But what about those pushy Reds!
They rushed Tsar Nicholas out of bed
As if to get his fam in toto
To pose for a nice family photo!
If you thought camera-men were quick
You’ve never seen a Bolshevik.

But while the Soviets pushed along
The Chinese sung with Mao Zedong.
Forget a family to get rid of
The whole Han culture cut its head off.
How Unconfucian! With manners dread
They sing-a-long “the East is Red”.

But have the French learned politesse?
A ’68 will pass a test…
But barely pass – a mark that falls
Short of the standards of de Gaulle.
But maybe one or two learned manners
When they switched red for green banners.

French, British, Commies! They are wholly
Without tact; such tact is only
For the Amer'can – he’ll remain tactful
As long as Terror is attackable.
To the American tact sees
That only friendliness can please.
Act chummy and hop in the car
And drive out to the country, far
-With a cheerful smile – out past the border
To some lone camp called something or other
And there the bad guy’s treated fairly
And kept happy and living (barely).

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Kipling vs. RiFF RaFF (AKA the White Man's Burden)

Take up the White Man's burden—
 Send forth the best ye breed—


What does a 19th century Victorian man-of-letters-cum-imperialist have in common with the Sunshine State's skeeziest (and whitest) rapper? Turns out they share a veritable caravan of aesthetic of preferences including: guns, swag, bitches, booze, phrenology, drugs, old whips, racialism, animals (alive or skinned), the hot Southern sun of exotic climes, and of course rhymin’. The differences lie, so far as I can tell, almost exclusively in the domain of facial hair. Following on the success of the popular and quite poignant Jay-Z Lyric or Line from The Great Gatsby quiz, I present the following little academic “compare and contrast”. Can you guess which DWM (dirty white male) dropped which verse?

Highlight the Miami hot pink answer text to see the answer!

1. "I seed im runnin by when the shots begun to fly"
Answer: Kipling  

2. "Sounding real good. Might work the wood.
      I'm'a broke em off like to make my own wood."
Answer: Riff-RaF

3. "Next week I'll have em fitted
     I'll buy me a swagger-cane"
Answer: Kipling (continuation is even funnier: "they'll let me free o' the barricks to walk on the Hoe again")

4. "Wet an drippin by the ford.
     Ford, ford, ford."
Answer: Kipling   

5. "The jinglety-jink o the chains -Tss! Tss!"
Answer: Kipling   

6. "Laying face down dress down
     We on the,
     On the other side of seven seas."
Answer: Riff Raff 

7. "Don't call your Martini a crosseyed old bitch."
Answer: Kipling   

8. "She knifed me one night cuz I wished she was white."
Answer: Kipling  

9. "Just me and my kin 
       In the salamander skin."
Answer: Riff Raff 

10. "We was goin most extended
       We was drivin very fine."
Answer: Kipling  

11. "Pirate ships and treasure, 
       Yeah I got that treasure."
Answer: Riff Raff

12. "Two yellow companions at my mansion mud wrastlin.'"
Answer: Riff Raff 

13. "It was crawlin' and it stunk,
        But of all the drinks I've drunk..."
Answer: Kipling   

14. "Cheetah skin outside the parka
       Propaganda propels us – ostrich feathers."
Answer: Riff-Raff 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Brecht - The Exception and The Rule, 1930

"When the innocent are murdered
The judges gather round their corpses and condemn them.
At the grave of the murdered
All their rights are murdered.
The words of the tribunal
Fall like the shadow of a knife
And the knife, alas, is sufficient.
What need, afterward, of a verdict?
Overhead fly the vultures and whither?"

Then I pronounce the verdict. The Court regards it as proven that the Coolie approached his master not with a stone but with a water flask. But even when this is granted, it is more credible that the Coolie wished to kill his master with the flask than that he wished to give him something to drink. The carrier belonged to a class which indeed has motive to feel itself handicapped…The absence of police and laws made it possible for his employee to seize his share of the water – nay, encouraged him to do so. The accused acted, therefore, in justifiable self-defence – it being a matter of indifference whether he was threatened or must feel himself threatened. In the circumstances he had to feel himself threatened. The accused is therefore acquitted. The plea of the carrier’s widow is dismissed.


Where is the politician who will own up to the painful complexity of the problem and acknowledge the widespread fear of crime committed by young black males? This does not mean that raw racism has disappeared, and some judgments are not the product of invidious stereotyping. It does mean, though, that the public knows young black males commit a disproportionate amount of crime. In New York City, blacks make up a quarter of the population, yet they represent 78 percent of all shooting suspects — almost all of them young men. We know them from the nightly news.

Those statistics represent the justification for New York City’s controversial stop-and-frisk program, which amounts to racial profiling writ large. After all, if young black males are your shooters, then it ought to be young black males whom the police stop and frisk. Still, common sense and common decency, not to mention the law, insist on other variables such as suspicious behavior. Even still, race is a factor, without a doubt. It would be senseless for the police to be stopping Danish tourists in Times Square just to make the statistics look good.


Even if it’s not very stange, find it estranging
Even if it’s usual, find it hard to explain
What here is common should astonish you
What here’s the rule, recognize as an abuse
And where you have recognized an abuse
Provide a remedy!"